Meet The Missionaries We Support
Joe & Emily Knapp
Katelyn, Isaac, & Anna
The Knapps were appointed as missionaries to Ecuador in 2019, they are serving in the city of Cuenca with the Unsión Televison Team.
Joe & Emily were youth pastors at Sandy Assembly of God in Oregon for six years. They were bivocational during their ministry in Sandy where Joe also functioned as the IT Director for the City of Sandy, and Emily ran a photography business and homeschooled their three children, Katelyn, Anna, and Isaac.
The Knapp’s skillsets will be well utilized in Cuenca, Ecuador as they join the team at Unsión Television. Unsión is a television station that was established as a missionary endeavor in 2003. Since then it has become one of the most influential stations in Ecuador and provides a platform for engaging the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are committed to Harnessing the power of media, to share the hope of Jesus.