Meet The Missionaries We Support
David & Sheryl Hughart

David and Sheryl Hughart are passionate about evangelism and making disciples. As AGWM missionaries, they are based in metro Cebu City, Philippines, an international business, shipping, and education hub of 2.9 million people. This is a strategic, pivotal city to reaching the 1,000s of foreign nations who live and work there.
The Hugharts are launching an international church and disciple training center to reach the never-reached and train disciples how to boldly, wisely, a nod safely live missionary lives in places that are often access-restricted to the Gospel, or have little or no Gospel presence, and how to establish communities of disciples where the Church is not, but soon will be.
Prior to marriage, David lived in the Philippines. Since marriage, he and Sheryl have lived in Central and South America, the U.S., and have traveled and ministered in a number of nations. They have 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren.