Meet The Missionaries We Support
Peter & Jana Kozic

In 1990, we came to the United States with our three daughters Petra, Janka, and Natalia from former Czechoslovakia. All five of us were unable to understand or speak English. With two pieces of luggage and no money to account for, we arrived at a nation of opportunity. At that time, we were all unbelievers. As events turned and our need for Christ became more apparent our entire family surrendered their hearts and lives to Jesus.
Out of yielded obedience, we returned to the Czech Republic in 2011 for a two-year term, serving the city of Vyskov by planting churches in surrounding cities and ministering to families.
From August 2015 through August 2018 we served in Jihlava, Czech Republic. In August 2019 we arrived in the city of Most for a four-year term. The city of Most has a population of 66,000 people and approximately 75 church members. The congregation is comprised of 50% Gypsies.
We are involved in the life and ministry of the church in Most, but also help with church plants in surrounding areas. We also travel throughout the Czech Republic preaching, teaching and ministering to men, women, and families.