Celebrate Compassion

Join Us for Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 14-20, 2025

Embrace the spirit of generosity and make a difference in your community during Random Acts of Kindness Week. 

The underlying goal is to promote the life-changing potential contained in even a small act of kindness. You don’t have to create a large-scale strategy to address a global problem — just look for someone within your circle of influence and do something to improve their day.

The Importance of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Week is a powerful reminder of the impact that small, thoughtful gestures can have on individuals and communities. This week encourages us to step outside our daily routines to spread love and positivity, fostering a culture of empathy and support. Your gesture doesn’t have to be big or elaborate. Sometimes, the simplest acts of kindness can have the greatest impact.

Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

  • Pay it Backward: buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Compliment the first three people you talk to today.
  • Send a positive text message to five different people right now.
  • Post inspirational sticky notes around your neighborhood, office, school, etc.
  • Donate old towels or blankets to an animal shelter.
  • Say hi to the person next to you on the elevator.
  • Surprise a neighbor with freshly baked cookies or treats!
  • Let someone go in front of you in line who only has a few items.
  • Leave a gas gift card at a gas pump.
  • Encounter someone in customer service who is especially kind? Take an extra few minutes to tell their manager.
  • Leave unused coupons next to corresponding products in the grocery store.
  • Leave a note on someone’s car telling them how awesome they parked.
  • Write a kind message on your mirror with a dry erase marker for yourself or a family member.
  • Donate books to a local library.
  • Place a positive body image notes in jean pockets at a department store.
  • Smile at five strangers.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else.
  • Send a gratitude email to a coworker who deserves more recognition.
  • Practice self-kindness and spend 30 minutes doing something you love today.
  • Give away stuff for free on Marketplace.
  • Know parents who could use a night out? Offer to babysit for free.
  • Return shopping carts for people at the grocery store.
  • Buy a plant. Put it in a terracotta pot. Write positive words that describe a friend on the pot. Give it to that friend!
  • Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website, or a friend’s social media account.
  • Have a clean up party at a beach or park.
  • Leave a kind server the biggest tip you can afford.
  • Offer to run errands for someone who is homebound.
  • Send a care package to deployed military personnel.
  • Write your loved ones a list of things you love about them.
  • Purchase extra dog or cat food and bring it to an animal shelter.
  • Find opportunities to give compliments. It costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  • Take flowers or treats to the nurses’ station at your nearest hospital.
  • Keep an extra umbrella at work, so you can lend it out when it rains.
  • Send a ‘Thank you’ card or note to your local police or fire station.
  • Tell someone about Jesus.
  • Run an errand for a family member who is busy.
  • Leave a box of goodies or a thank you note in your mailbox for your mail carrier.
  • Put your phone away while in the company of others.
  • When you hear that discouraging voice in your head, tell yourself something positive — you deserve kindness too!

Stories of Kindness from Our True Life Family

Receiving a random act of kindness showed me that the person has a giving heart… those two people being the Gordon family. In our first week of Bible Study they gave me a Bible.


I paid for a homeless couple and their baby to stay in Motel 6 for 4 nights over Thanksgiving holiday. They had been living in their car. The only person who knows is my son because I wanted to teach by example. Made me feel good to know that I’m following Jesus’ commandment to love one another.


“I was suprised at work with a $100 gift card from the Sheriff’s Department. I still don’t know why I was chosen, but I’m grateful.”


Join Us in Spreading Kindness

Participate in Random Acts of Kindness Week and make a difference in someone’s life. Share your stories of kindness and inspire others to do the same. Together, we can create a ripple effect of compassion and love in our community.