The attributes of Jesus are numerous and when applied to our lives are transformational. All of us could be better listeners. Jesus taught us how to be a good listener. Listening like Jesus involves being patient, compassionate, and open-hearted. One of the most profound examples of Jesus’ listening is His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Despite societal norms that discouraged interaction with Samaritans and women with her background, Jesus engaged her in a meaningful conversation (John 4:1-26).

Jesus listened to her story, acknowledged her situation, and responded with truth and compassion. This teaches us to listen without judgment, understanding that everyone has a story worth hearing. By listening attentively, we can offer support and understanding to those who might feel marginalized or misunderstood.

Jesus also demonstrated the importance of listening to God. He often withdrew to quiet places to pray and seek guidance. Luke 5:16 says “But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray [in seclusion]”. This practice of seeking solitude and prayer shows us the value of listening to God through His Word and in prayer. Spending time in Scripture and prayer helps us align our hearts with God’s will and gain the wisdom we need for our lives.

When we listen to others, we should do so with empathy and patience, just as Jesus did. By giving our full attention and responding thoughtfully, we show that we value their experiences and perspectives. This creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

We can also listen like Jesus by being open to hearing God’s voice in our daily lives. This means being attuned to His guidance and promptings, whether through His Word, prayer, or the guidance of wise and godly friends.

By listening patiently and compassionately to others and seeking God’s guidance in our lives, we can follow Jesus’ example and build deeper, more meaningful connections with those around us.

Remember James 1:19 which says, “You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak…” We should all lean into that instruction.

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