Last weekend was Super Bowl Sunday. A day where people gather with family and friends to celebrate champions. It’s exciting to cheer for our favorite players and teams as they strive for excellence in the most-watched game of the year. Many people who aren’t even football fans watch the Super Bowl because it is an event where legendary champions shine brightest. Champions inspire us because they remind us that we can achieve great things.
Patrick Mahomes, the MVP QB of the Kansas City Chiefs, said this: “Before every game, I walk the field, and I say a prayer at the goalpost. I just thank God for those opportunities, and I thank God for letting me be on a stage where I can glorify Him.”
It’s wonderful when the athletes we look up to are also people of faith who can motivate us spiritually. In the Bible, there are many great champions that we can look towards for inspiration: David, Joshua, Samson, and Paul, just to name a few. These are people who lived out their faith to the very end, setting an example for us all.
Our most powerful example, and greatest champion, is Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 says, “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne”.
He conquered it all! He conquered sin, death, hell and the grave. Great champions sacrifice and Jesus sacrificed so that we would have salvation. His life of obedience to God the Father and service to others needs to be our most influential motivation.
Let your celebration of the champions of this Super Bowl be another thing that points you to Jesus. Recommit to allowing Jesus into your heart and making Him the champion of your life. He can do things in your life beyond your wildest expectations. (Ephesians 3:20-21)Likewise, be determined to be a champion for Him, living every day focused on sharing His love and goodness with others.
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