More Like Jesus: Lead Like Jesus

More Like Jesus: Lead Like Jesus

Leading like Jesus involves guiding our families, businesses, and church communities with humility and a servant’s heart. Jesus’ leadership was marked by His humility and willingness to serve others, rather than seeking power or recognition.  In Matthew 5:11-12, Jesus...
Learn Truth

Learn Truth

Living by scriptural values is a way to ensure a world around us that is improving. Seeking truth is an inseparable part of our faith journey, and the Bible encourages us to be lifelong learners with Jesus as our ultimate guide. Psalm 32:8 reassures us, “I will...
Love Without Condition

Love Without Condition

Living our lives according to scriptural values is not only a tremendous benefit to us but impacts everyone in our circle of influence. One of those values is to “Love without Condition”. Love is at the heart of the Bible’s teachings, reminding us that no matter who...
Memorial Day: Never Forget

Memorial Day: Never Forget

This Monday was Memorial Day. It is a day when we celebrate and remember the heroes who helped bring freedom to our nation. It’s an important holiday because it helps us to realize just how priceless freedom is and what it costs for us to have it. It’s something we...


As we continue our look at The Lord’s Prayer we see “Protection”. In Matthew 6:13, Jesus teaches us to pray, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s protection from...