Lead Pastor Billy Register of True Life Church in Clay County Florida blog. Encouraging message about sacrifice.

The very structure and nature of the world we live in can cause us to live self-centered and even selfish lives. We are taught to focus most of our energies on getting ahead of ourselves, building a secure life for ourselves, and worshipping our own individuality. But God has a better plan and calls us to live differently. God’s plan is to live sacrificially just as Jesus did. We are to live our lives for others, giving of ourselves for their benefit and to build up the Kingdom of God.

We find this calling in Romans 12:1, which reads, “Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him” (NLT). But what does it mean to live sacrificially? How do we actually do it?

The first and most important step is to walk hand in hand with God throughout your life, having a laser focus on Him and living attuned with His Holy Spirit. When we do, we share in His power and can do miraculous things through Him. From this place, we can impact other people’s lives in powerful and impactful ways!

This involves a sharp change in focus. Instead of looking only toward our own needs, we should continually be on the lookout for how we can best be serving the needs of others. We need to take advantage of those opportunities. Ask that God would help you to use your spiritual gifts to reach into the lives of others. Ask Him also to lead you to the opportunities to make this happen.

It is so rewarding, as we give of our time, energies, and resources in service to others and God. Let’s not be selfish with any of these things but give them freely as Jesus did. This is what it means to live sacrificially. God is calling each of us to live a life for something bigger than ourselves. God bless you as you pursue His purpose and calling for your life!

You can write the Pastor at pastorbilly@findtruelife.com.