Don’t Listen to the Wrong Voice

Don’t Listen to the Wrong Voice

While there is a myriad of worldviews prevalent in our society today, there are ultimately only two paths we can follow in life: the way of the world or the way of God. God’s ways are very different than what we know and see in the world around us. The world teaches...
Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

The author and poet Maya Angelou said, “Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself”. We all have done things in life that we regret. With our fallen human nature, it’s only natural that we make mistakes and feel honest guilt because of them. What matters...
I Can See Clearly

I Can See Clearly

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Dr. King was not only making a reference to the trust element of faith, but the fact you can’t rely on what you see to walk in faith. Perhaps you...
Live Sacrificially

Live Sacrificially

The very structure and nature of the world we live in can cause us to live self-centered and even selfish lives. We are taught to focus most of our energies on getting ahead of ourselves, building a secure life for ourselves, and worshipping our own individuality. But...
Do I Need to go to Church?

Do I Need to go to Church?

In this day and age, many people ask themselves, “Is church really that important?” “Should I attend church regularly?” “Should I attend at all?” God is a relational being, having perfect community and relationship within Himself through the beautiful mystery of the...