Learn Truth

Learn Truth

Living by scriptural values is a way to ensure a world around us that is improving. Seeking truth is an inseparable part of our faith journey, and the Bible encourages us to be lifelong learners with Jesus as our ultimate guide. Psalm 32:8 reassures us, “I will...
Easter: A Time of Hope

Easter: A Time of Hope

As the world around us blossoms with the new life of spring, it’s a reminder that Easter is right around the corner. It also reminds us of the hope we find in Jesus. 1 Peter 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy, he...
Joseph: Resilience and Redemption

Joseph: Resilience and Redemption

The story of Joseph, found in the book of Genesis, is one of the most captivating and inspiring narratives in the Old Testament. Joseph’s journey from betrayal to blessing, marked by unwavering faith, resilience, and ultimate redemption, offers timeless lessons...
Use Your Time Wisely

Use Your Time Wisely

Benjamin Franklin said, “Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we often struggle with managing our time. Guided by the wisdom of the scripture, let’s explore the importance of mindful...
God Never Gives Up On Us

God Never Gives Up On Us

Every person is imperfect and born into a sinful nature. That means that no human relationship we’ll ever have will be perfect. There may be times even our closest friends or family let us down, betray us, or even downright give up on us. This is not to discourage you...