Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

The author and poet Maya Angelou said, “Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself”. We all have done things in life that we regret. With our fallen human nature, it’s only natural that we make mistakes and feel honest guilt because of them. What matters...
Not Too Late to Start Again

Not Too Late to Start Again

No matter what the enemy of our life has done, no matter how we’ve messed up, it’s not too late. It’s NEVER too late! Jesus was sacrificed on the cross for all the sins of humanity for all of time. That means His sacrifice covers you today. God started over with Noah....
Jesus Take the Wheel

Jesus Take the Wheel

For those of you that have decided to live a Godly life, I’m sure you have not always found it easy. There are challenges and difficulties that come our way, for some more than others. I spoke to someone this week who said, “I have been a Christian for many years....