Be Bold!

Be Bold!

There is a story of a man who was legally blind. He had sought many treatments over the years with no success. Finally, he was introduced to a doctor with a treatment that cured him. His sight was restored! This man had a lengthy commute to work by train. After this...
What Makes God Smile?

What Makes God Smile?

As believers, our personal relationship with God is very intimate and special. God wants to be part of our lives and walk alongside us through everything we experience. There’s a reason that we so often speak of our relationship with Him in a Father/child dynamic. God...
The Importance of Fathers

The Importance of Fathers

I am writing this on Father’s Day. When this is published it will be about a week after our celebration of Dads. But we should never forget the importance of Fathers. Fathers fulfill a special role in our lives. I’ll never forget how my father eased my fears as a...
Just The Way You Are

Just The Way You Are

Billy Joel famously sang the words, “I couldn’t love you any better, I love you just the way you are.” How can this hit song help us to better understand the way that God loves us? God can’t love us more than He does right now. And He loves us unconditionally, just...
Love Is All We Need

Love Is All We Need

Valentine’s Day was last week. All over the world people showed love to others by sharing cards, candy, flowers, and other types of gifts. For Valentine’s Day approximately 145 million cards are purchased and delivered. It is estimated that in America alone over 20...