Love Like Jesus – Part 1

Love Like Jesus – Part 1

Jesus’ love is the cornerstone of His teachings and actions. In Matthew 9:36, we see His compassionate heart in action: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” This...
Listen Like Jesus

Listen Like Jesus

The attributes of Jesus are numerous and when applied to our lives are transformational. All of us could be better listeners. Jesus taught us how to be a good listener. Listening like Jesus involves being patient, compassionate, and open-hearted. One of the most...
Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

Last week we celebrated our nation’s independence! We celebrated FREEDOM! We celebrated the founding of our nation and the sacrifices that made it happen. Independence Day is a time to remember what makes our country great. It’s also a fun day filled with...
Dear God, do you care?

Dear God, do you care?

God is love! His love is greater than our ability to understand. In fact, He created us so He could love us.  Psalm 103:13 says, “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.” He cares about everything in our lives, deeply...
Live with Purpose

Live with Purpose

Living with purpose is a powerful scriptural value that calls us to recognize and fulfill the unique role God has designed for each of us. Ephesians 4:23 encourages us to “be made new in the attitude of your minds,” helping us to understand and embrace the...