The attributes of Jesus are numerous. All of them are amazing. We should strive to be more like Him every day. Jesus is known for His gentle, kind, and authoritative way of speaking. His words brought comfort, healing, and truth to those who heard Him. So how can we speak like Jesus in our everyday lives?

 First, let’s look at how Jesus spoke with kindness and understanding. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, He didn’t condemn her for her past. Instead, He spoke to her with compassion and offered her living water (John 4:1-26). This teaches us the importance of speaking kindly and understanding others’ situations. We can strive to be gentle in our conversations, offering words that uplift and encourage rather than judge.

Jesus also spoke with authority. Mark 1:22 says, “The people were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law.” His authority came from His deep connection with God and His understanding of the Scriptures. To speak with authority like Jesus, we must ground our words in truth and wisdom, ensuring our advice and guidance are rooted in love, integrity, and the truth of God’s Word.

 Jesus also knew when to speak and when to listen. In moments of conflict or accusation, like when the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Him, He took a moment to respond thoughtfully (John 8:1-11). This shows the value of being thoughtful and measured in our speech. We should consider our words carefully, ensuring they bring peace and understanding.

 Never forget the power that’s in our words. They can bring great joy and empowerment to others, or they can tear them down. Choose to be like Jesus and speak words of love and healing into others’ lives. In doing so, you will bring them joy and love instead of hurt and pain.

By combining kindness, understanding, authority, and thoughtfulness, we can strive to speak like Jesus. Our words can then become a source of comfort and wisdom to those around us.

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