Dream Big, Pray Bigger

Dream Big, Pray Bigger

C.S. Lewis once said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” God created our minds with the capacity to dream and our hearts with the ability to hope. We can picture our future and let that vision serve as inspiration to push toward our...
Love is not only EMOTION

Love is not only EMOTION

1 Corinthians 16:14 has a simple but powerful instruction for living. “All that you do must be done in love.” Love is an everyday discussion in our society. We experience love in our personal lives, through books, movies, and all other forms of human expression. We...


Charles Spurgeon, called the “Prince of Preachers” once said, “Rest assured that the lord, who provides for the millions of fish in the sea and the myriads of birds in the air will not suffer His own children to perish for the lack of things of this life.” In...
Easter is Over: Now What?

Easter is Over: Now What?

Easter has ended, and so too have our festivities in our homes and churches. But that doesn’t mean that the message of Easter shouldn’t stay with us, transform our lives, and fuel our faith each and every day of the year. Easter is not something to celebrate on a...
Easter is Here!

Easter is Here!

Easter is here, and that’s a beautiful thing! It’s a time that we celebrate family, spring, and Jesus. While it’s always pleasant and brings its own wonderful traditions every year for so many of us, Easter is SO much more than that. Easter is one of the most powerful...