Do Angels Watch Over Us?

Do Angels Watch Over Us?

Angels are otherworldly beings that we read about in the Bible. They are close to God and work in service to Him. While their exact nature is never revealed to us, we know that they are powerful, and righteous. Angels are wholly devoted to serving God and completely...
God and Parenthood

God and Parenthood

It’s another summer season! Here in Florida, pool parties and beach trips are common. Families can spend more time together. Parents and their children make new memories together. Parenthood is a beautiful thing. We should celebrate it and allow it to be a reminder to...
Hurt into Hope

Hurt into Hope

“We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a...
The Importance of Fathers

The Importance of Fathers

I am writing this on Father’s Day. When this is published it will be about a week after our celebration of Dads. But we should never forget the importance of Fathers. Fathers fulfill a special role in our lives. I’ll never forget how my father eased my fears as a...
Is God Omniscient?

Is God Omniscient?

You may have heard before that God is “omniscient.” That’s an interesting word, but what does it mean? If God is omniscient, it means that He’s all-knowing. Being omniscient would mean that His power is so great that there’s nothing that escapes His foresight and...