What Does God Say About Love: Part 1

What Does God Say About Love: Part 1

February is the month of love. Valentine’s Day is a special day that celebrates love. God has a lot to say about love. How He loves us, and how we should love Him, and how we should love others. It’s easy to say that we love God. After all, He is pretty awesome! God...
Who is the Greatest Champion?

Who is the Greatest Champion?

This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday.  A day where people gather with family and friends to celebrate champions. It’s exciting to cheer for our favorite players and teams as they strive for excellence in the most-watched game of the year. Many people who...
Live Your Best Life: Integrity

Live Your Best Life: Integrity

As we enter 2023, a resolution on everyone’s list should be to live with integrity. C.S. Lewis once said, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” Integrity should be one of the cornerstones of our life. So, how do we measure integrity?...
Remember… Why Jesus Came!

Remember… Why Jesus Came!

The whole point of Christmas can be lost in the “season” if we don’t remember why Jesus came. Presents aren’t the only things that get wrapped up this time of year. We can easily get so wrapped up in the commercial aspects of the season and our traditions, we can...